Three Types of Vision Board: Pros and Cons of Each Type

Goal Setting

Apr 24, 2022

A vision board can be a fantastic tool to give your goals a visual representation. This not only adds to the clarity of your goals, but it also increases your conscious and subsconscious focus on them. Read along this article and pick your favourite kind if vision board: you'll find that setting up your own board is way simpler than you'd think.

A vision board, sometimes known as “moodboard”, is essentially a space where all of your ideas, from your smallest ambitions to your wildest dreams, are collected, stored and maintained.

This space can either be:

  • physical
  • digital
  • virtual

The physical vision board

A physical vision board requires an actual tangible board, that can be made of cork, wood or cardboard, on which you pin images, quotes and writings of your own that describe and represent your current life or work goals. Ideally, you would place your vision board on a wall that you often see in your day to day: next to your bed, over the kitchen table, over your desk.

Pros of the physical vision board:

  • It can be fun to cut out images from magazines and prints and make them fit different shapes and sizes
  • It turns out visually appealing for you, so it’s something you’d enjoy looking at
  • It can be an engaging activity, especially if you’re naturally into crafts

Cons of the physical vision board:

  • It requires quite an effort for someone who’s not intro craft and bricolage
  • It’s up there for everyone to see: if you invite family and friends or other people over at your place or office, they’re going to see - It and probably comment on it. Not the most private way to go about it, if you usually mind your privacy.

The digital vision board

A digital vision board consists of a very specialised, very structured digital notebook, where you can leverage pre-defined sections and work from there. Usually, there’s a section to be filled in with written descriptions of your goals and a section to be filled in with images from your camera roll or from various web sources. Take the Vision Board by Planjuli, for example: you have eight hyperlinked pages already including everything you need:

  • identification of the goal or the area of your life or work you wish to improve (ie: “housing”, “finances”, “personal style” and so on)
  • writing space
  • image space
  • timing definition, where you set exactly by when you intend to transform your vision board into your reality

Pros of the digital vision board:

  • Extremely easy to set up and fill in
  • You can download it on your device of choice: tablet, phone, computer
  • It’s very private, with a cover that looks like a regular notebook and stored safely on your device’s note-taking app, alongside your other notes and documents
  • Very easy to update and maintain over time: if you want to make a change, replace an immage with something else or simply add a quote you recently read somewhere, it’s done within a couple of minutes
  • Usually very stylish from the start, it makes it immediate to reproduce the vibe you want to go for style-wise
  • Always at hand wherever you are, provided that you have your device with you

Cons of the digital vision board:

  • If you want to extract a physical copy from your digital vision board, the only way to do so is to print it on paper, so you need to either be equipped with a printer or visit a shop to have it printed.
  • If your device gets lost and you haven’t done a backup in a while, you don’t have access to your digital vision board anymore. The solution to this is to keep a copy elsewhere or do regular backups of your phone, tablet or computer.

The virtual vision board

The virtual vision board is a vision board created online, on a blog or website. You can set up a small website or blog on many platforms, such as blogspot or wordpress or tumblr, and then you can create an entry for each goal you wish to represent in your virtual vision board.

Pros of the virtual vision board:

  • As with the digital one, a virtual vision board is very easy to modify and maintain over time, as you simply need to log in to your platform of choice and edit the entry that needs updating.
  • You can create as many entries as you like, although science says it’s usually best to narrow your focus on a few specific areas you wish to improve instead of scattering your attention around over multiple targets.
  • On most platforms, you can mark the entries as ‘private’ to avoid your virtual vision board to be seen by random net surfers. You can access it anywhere you have a (reliable) internet connection.

Cons of the virtual vision board:

  • You have to dedicate quite some time to set up the blogging platform
  • If you want to really customise it to suit your personal style, you’re likely to need a fair share of coding skills
  • The platform does not belong to you, so you’re relying on something that can be removed and made unavailable, for all sorts of reasons, without you having a say about it.

What type of vision board we recommend?

It surely doesn’t come as a surprise that we do wholeheartedly recommend a digital vision board. It’s so immediate to set up and fill in and so easy and safe to access at all times, with a tap of a finger. The dedicated sections create consistency, which works wonders when it comes to transferring information - or reprogramming - your subconscious mind. Getting your goals and desires installed in your mind so that it actively starts to move you closer to them is the one reason why vision boards exist in the first place, so… there’s all to gain with a practical, immediate and well-designed digital vision board.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this correlation of pros and cons related to the three kinds of vision board you can create and we’d be happy to hear your though in the comments here below or through our contact page.

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